Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Are You Currently, Or Have You Ever Been, A Member Of The Communist Party?

So we have a Liberal minority government, eh? Interesting. I see Ontario can still rule this country with no regard for anyone else. Not entirely unexpected, but such is the way of things. I voted NDP, based mostly on the strength of our local candidate, Nettie Wiebe, however we got Brad Trost, and I think he'll be good. All that really matters for Saskatoon-Humboldt is that we got rid of Pankiw.

I'll also make clear that I don't think that Harper and the Conservatives are as bad as Ryan thinks. Really the parties in Canada aren't as different as they make themselves out to be, especially Conservatives and the Liberals, what with Paul "CEO for Canada" Martin and his offshore holdings in the Bahamas. Geez.

A few things we learned from this election.

1) Paul Martin has dropped the ball with regards to Quebec. What does 54 votes for the Bloc Québécois in Quebec, their best showing since their first election in 1993, shows that Martin can't convince Quebec that he has their best interests at heart.

2) Ontario rules the country. With most of the Liberal vote coming from Ontario, they have again showed that it doesn't matter what the rest of the country thinks. Win Ontario, and you win Canada.

3) The West still feels alienated. Almost all of Alberta and Saskatchewn voted Conservative, with the exception of 3 ridings. What is it about Alberta that scares Ontario so much?

3) Your vote counts. In several ridings, including my own, the polls were very close, as in a few hundred out of thousands of votes. So if you really care about democracy, get out and vote.

Well that's probably the most political post you'll get from me in a long time. I haven't really probed the complexities of my own politics and I despise labels. As a young person, I feel my opinions are still developing and I may feel differently in 4 years again.

As for personal politics, I had a run in with my boss Lori this morning which developed into an hour long conversation about Blockbuster and the way I feel about the company.

Basically, my personal beliefs about big business and corporate style of leadership makes me very angry with the way things are handled at work. I don't know how much longer I'll be there; basically we both acknowledged that with my strong convictions and inability to simply accept the leadership of the DL, I won't be there much longer.

Will be kinda sad, I've worked there for over 2 years. But I think it is time to move on. With that said, if anyone has any hot tips on a good job, let me know at the email address above.


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