Tuesday, June 07, 2005

New CD Tuesday - Coldplay, The White Stripes, and Others

Today is Tuesday. That means new DVDs and CDs are released into the wild world that is retail. Today was extra special, because CDs from two of my favourite bands came out today. Last week was the new album from Oasis. Today we get The White Stripes and Coldplay. Fortunately I had money, because of my upcoming birthday. Which means you get to hear my intial reactions and rants.

Coldplay - X&Y

I don't care what the naysayers will level at this album, but after the first listen I has me hooked more than Rush of Blood To The Head did. While Coldplay hasn't abandoned their signature sound (Chris Martin's piano and falsetto, Johnny Buckland's guitars) but that isn't a bad thing. Instead here, they take what makes them work and push it to the next level. Sure that means borrowing (stealing) from all the bands that came before them from Radiohead to U2, but it's never obvious and works well. They're trying things here that they didn't on Rush, and I give them credit for it. The opener, "Square One" tells us that they are using their previous albums as a template, but not settling, and some of the non-radio stuff like "Fix You" starts with simple piano and leads into a wonderful arena standard.

This is just my first impressions of the album, which I'll definitely be listening to a lot. I find that you have to be in the mood for Coldplay, and lately the rainy, cool weather we've been having puts me in the mood for their particular brand of Britpop.

I also finally picked up The Arcade Fire - Funeral as well. I'll try to give reviews of that album (which I know a lot of you are indifferent to), The White Stripes and and Oasis coming soon.


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