Thursday, April 28, 2005

Music Videos

I was just watching Much Megahits. Probably because it seems everyone else is out and about. It's going to be a busy weekend, so I figured I should probably take the night easy.

I used to watch MuchMusic pretty regularly. But lately it's a lot more stupid "reality" shows like "Newlyweds: Nick & Jessica" and "Pimp My Ride!" rather than music videos. Also a lot of the videos they play suck. So I don't watch Much much.

Strangely they managed to play four vidoes in a row a that I enjoyed.

1) The Arcade Fire - "Rebellion (Lies)" Embarassingly, I've never really heard them before. But I've heard lots of talk about them. Sometimes that's a bad thing. Ewan is going to hate me for this (especially as I write this while missing him and the boys play at Lydias, but I'll be there tomorrow night at Amigos), but I really enjoyed the song. I have to give any band that sucessfully integrates violin into the ensemble points. This is a nicely crafted, finely layered piece of pop music. I could actually see myself really enjoying them if the rest of the album is anything like this. If anyone has a copy they want to lend me, so I can see if I want to buy it, please do. You can watch the video and hear the song for free here.

2) Boy - "Up In This Town" On the flip side, Ewan spoke positively about these guys (I believe he had drinks with them after their show, IIRC) and he's absolutely right. This is a solid rock song, and the video is lots of fun too. Very simple, essentially just shots of them partying interspersed with pieces of them performing, but done in such a way that it's lots of fun and interesting to watch. It really captures the fun of rock and roll. It might not be innovative, but it's good. Sometimes the simple, classic ways are best.

3) Black Eyed Peas - "Don't Phunk With My Heart" This is the first single from the new album Monkey Business. It's enjoyable, and a little bit goofy. I'm actually a fan of these guys last two albums and am looking forward to hearing their new one.

4) Gwen Stefani - "Hollaback Girl" This is a damn catchy, fun single. Of course it's produced by the king of catchy hooks, Pharell Williams. And of course the radio edit takes out all the instances of the word "shit" in the song. Which is silly. Gwen has some fun with it in the video though, making "shocked" faces like she's offended. I enjoyed that.


At 12:52 p.m., Blogger Anders said...

I'm far from a rabid fan, but I did enjoy that song.

At 5:39 p.m., Blogger Dean Ziegler said...

you should watch out for the new Weezer video, it fills my soul with shame and dread.

At 5:48 p.m., Blogger Anders said...

I've seen the new Weezer video. It's classic Weezer.


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