Wednesday, March 30, 2005

I Lost Two Posts in the Last 2 Days, So This Is It

I could write about how I watched Babe last night (it's an excellent movie for those who haven't seen it and think it's juvenile: it's not), or how I got my tickets for the Sin City preview tomorrow night - expect a blog post within hours of the show - but Luke does such a good job telling the story (and I am exceptionally tired), so just read about it here. Almost everything there is true (and probably even worse or better than you'd expect).


I am experiencing hockey withdrawal, so I ended up watching almost the entire CIS Men's Hockey final this evening on TSN. Of course, the Huskies lost. How anti-climactic. Still, we had a team in both football and hockey men's finals. Not bad at all really.

Anton took nearly the entire day to write a five page paper, so now is the first time I've been able to get on the computer today.

The mix tape (entitled "Anders's Mix Tape") is done now. I think. I'm the kind of person who thought I had it done last night at midnight, then I slept on it. Listened to it today a couple of times. Decided to change two songs (I won't say which 2). Then I had a nap. Now I'm up. I'm going to go with what I have, but I'm still having second thoughts. Making a mix tape is a fairly personal thing. I don't like being judged, but this seems like just asking for people to judge me.

I think I can say two things:

1) Everyone will have heard at least a couple of songs on my tape (sorry, with Joel, Caitlin and Ewan, it would be impossible for me to make something entirely original).

2) Mine is probably one of the most mellow, least "rockin'" tapes. But I like it anyway. It's something I would throw on and just relax to. It's not all "chillout" mix stuff. But it's not metal or blues anyway.

I hope everyone likes it. Ryan, you're up first.


At 11:27 p.m., Blogger Dean Ziegler said...

what's all this buisness about mix tapes? Im intruiged...

At 7:48 p.m., Blogger cait said...

Well, that's quite emphatic, Ewan . . . y'all can . . . do something to my CD. "Rock out" is the wrong term . . .


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